Vimax Forum
Vimax Rating

This Vimax forum is a place for you to share your story or ask questions concerning Vimax and other penis erection enhancement pills. It is designed to bring you the answers from readers who have met the same challenges themselves and share their stories with you.
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Vimax scores 2.6 out of 5, based on 281 reviews in our Vimax forum.
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Vimax Reviews
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Note: only postings with reviews are displayed in this Vimax forum.
Add ReplyIt work, but it does deliver the results they promise, by now I think is just temporal and slightly noticeable.
I like the product, but ot work slowly, I hope soon I get more noticeable gains
It worked for me I guess, but the effects gone fast and didnt notice too much difernce
The pills worked for me, my sex life is better than before, and sire I will ordermore vimax
This thing doesnt work, I am so dissapointed, spend your moeny in other thing
Vimax is a good penis enhancement product. Yes, it's not for penis enlargement but my erection is so hard and big!!! I enjoy it every time!
I had side effects when using other products. What about Vimax? any problems?
I don't understand the poor reviews. I love vimax and have been using it for months now :) 100% safe
Great vimax forum! I found lots of facts about Vimax... and decided to try other penis pills :))
I dreamed about penis enlargement but Vimax did not help. However, it did improved my libido and desire. My wife is happy! :)
This does not deliver the goods, am still finishing early and ive taken it for 3 weeks now...its hopeless, someone arrest the Vimax company
I hoped Vimax could help my husband to enlarge penis and would bring somethimg new into our sex life, but it has't.
hellow gys, just to remind you of buying the pills mostly any sound for enlargement,it may be effective since the medicine is in your body.
You've been Tango'd! Vimax have a great website, really professional looking, so I made my purchase for two months supply, have taken one months, 30 capsules and guess what, nothing has changed in the slightest. I will finish the second course, but have zero faith. I opened capsule and tasted contents, timber dust is the best description!!! Stay away from it...
I've taken vimax for only 3 weeks and already gained 9" in length and 14" in girth!!!.......Not really, no gain, i'm going to try VigRX instead.
My personal experience: before I got my 7 month Vimax package, I had PE problem. Since I have used Vimax, I didn't see any results & now I have PE & ED problem; wow!
I watched their formula, they increased the dose of some ingredients and added other ingredients. Is it working? Thank you for your reply
Ok an update on my Vimax experience. I am starting my 5th month of a year supply And have no length increase but a quarter inch width increase which is exactly what I wanted. Alot of people here say that vimax increases the width alot compared to length and thats exactly what I want. This is an honest post and I am not from the Actual vimax forums.
I tried other drugs and they all had side effects that I couldn't deal with such as high blood pressure and nose bleeding. Is it the same?
My erections are much firmer, and my endurance is incredible. My sex drive and ejactulate volume is like it was in my 20's.
My girlfriend gave me Vimax but it did not help. Now she sees improvements but I know that is because I'm taking prosolution penis pills.
There were no side effects until after a second week I lost desire :(
Since I started to take Vimax, I began to feel the results-practically the next day-and since then I have been feeling great!
Completed second bottle - no changes. Absolutely. Nothing!
My libido is back, and also my sex drive. Like a teenager, I wake up every morning with a perfect erection. Which is not that good for 50 y.o. man.
a bit of improvement in sexual desire, but i don't believe any change in size - been taking it for a while - no change.
I purchased a bottle of vimax penis pills on ebay 3 months ago, had nothing but headaches. Vimax support person said these were not vimax pills, just someone selling that shit in similar bottles. Hence there is no guarantee and no money back.
There are way to many people in this forum complaining that they don't see gains after a month of use. You guys it takes a while for your body to react in a positive way to the ingredients. And you MUST DO EXERCISES OR NO PILL WILL EVER WORK . Vimax is a good pill not as strong as Actigain for me but still good.
I just purchased two Bottles of Vimax from One of the Distrubutors in South Africa. I've been trying it for a month and half and Honestly, I haven't really noticed any changes on my Penis. Vimax doesn't work
hi i just started vimax pill but i noticed on the websites its recommended to take the pill in the morning on empty stomach with water while on the bottle its written to take the pill 30 minutes after food ..I'm confused , any1 might know the most effective way to take vimax?
I bought Vimax few weeks ago. I would say this pill is really good and no side effect. Vimax is the one hopefully. I will update you all with the result once I finish this bottle.
I've been taking Vimax for exactly two and a half months now. I definitely feel and see a difference in the girth. So does my girl. I didn't tell her I was taking it and one night she said, "Wow it feels so thick." Plus, when I get erections they are rock-hard and I last so long in bed. The only thing I'm waiting for now is a significant increase in length. I should see that in the 3 and 4 months.
just finished second bottle and erections have improved as well as sperm volume in intensity in orgasm, also gained one inch, am now on third bottle. going till end of sevent bottle
I know we always want more guys but it seems that vimax pills are a big scam. Our problem that we all watched porno and those penises in these movies fucked up our psychology. Always remember that women are satisfied from starting at 4.5 inches expanding to 8 inches. Be confident in whatever u have and do more foreplay and tongue. Cheers
My brother gave me different pills several years ago and they worked. I took them for 1.5m and my flacid size increased and I saw an increase in erection hardness and an incredible increase in libido. The girl I was dating noticed and asked why it was bigger. Maybe 1/4 inch length, but girth more noticeable. I tried another product and it did nothing. Just bought Vimax and started taking today.
comsumed 3 months supply with no change. Now on my last bottle before I switch to locally workable but very painful herbal therapy at zero $$$.
I'm going to say good with the caveat that someone else mentioned. The pills aren't magic. I've seen a difference in length and I hang heavier. I haven't gone from 5" to 12", but that is expecting a little much, don't ya think? My erections are better, my drive and libido are better. However, I try to do exercises, eat healthy. I take vitamins and Yohimbe. Vimax is a boost and, for me, works
that's right, I had success with Vimax once I started doing exercises, added 1 inch in 4 months.
well FML bought my 6 month supply and am now hearing vimax is shit? well i can tell you guys this when taking enhancement pills you MUST eat a healthy diet with proper in take of vitamins and minerals and you MUST do exercises both penis and physical body exercises for increased bodily blood flow. if you think you can take a pill and lay on your fatass all day and expect results, your mistaken.
I bought a 6 month supply and used the recommended one-a-day for 2 months with not much success. I plan on using my last 4 months by using 2-a-day. My dick has been harder the first 2 months but certainly not bigger. Has anyone tried 2-a-day?
I used this pill for 6 months and never missed a day. This product did not do anything at all. I am very disappointed.
hi., actually I used 2n kinds of penis pills nothing result.,2 years from now no change but I dont want give up . so I want to try this product hope so
Does anyone no what the best product on the market is? apart from Vimax. I can't aford to waste my money, budget is tight, i need results, my penis is small, thank's
Asian penis size are pretty short by nature. Its the best way to test whether the Vimax product works. I paid for a 12 months supply. It grows only the width not the length. After the supply ran out, it goes back to normal. Kinda heart pain.
jayvee, you can click on the "VISIT THE OFFICIAL VIMAX SITE" link below and buy Vimax on the official site. this is the easiest and safest way.
To be honest with all u guys out there i haven't tried any other Pills, however with the Vimax it wasn't what i was hoping for and with the cost of 4 bottles i was hoping for a lot more... if u know want I'm talking about, i stated at 6" and after the 4 bottles i was bout 6.5, so yeah not worth it at all,
Vimax is NOT a scam but you should know what you can get, don't expect to go from 5" to 10", it's impossible!!! I was 5" six months ago and now I'm 6" and I think this is very good! I will try other penis pills next year, they seem to work even better. Vimax is good but not the best one.
vimax is a money scam people do not buy it, i was one who got caught up wit this like a sucker bought 4 bottles and they dont work trust me!!!
i wouldn't recommend penis pump to anyone,this is the easiest way to hurt your not ever use pumps,..penis exercises are more effective and there are no side effects..just take penis pills,do penis exercises and that's it!!...
I've only been on it a month nd 3 days nd nothing's changed except I guess my dill is a lil fatter but I'm not sure lol
Okay's the trick. you need to buy yourselves a penis pump. use it twice a day at no more than 5-7 mins each time. take the pills like recommeneded. im on bottle two. at 6 3/4. Im now at a woppin 7 1/2. im up an inch in girth. thats probably the only way to see good results in a shorter time. your choice. i know i chose the right way. im no doc. so its just friendly advice. good luck.
i have only been on this for about 2 weeks now, i can honestly say nothing in the size i know its early but the sex drive and the erections are amazing keep you guys posted.
great product after 6 months i have gained 2 and a bit inches and hole inch in girth not to mention rock hard erections and longer lasting , great product
I tried it for 2 months, no results. I got a check yesterday for 74+ for first bottle, it took 2 weeks to get the first check. My second order still waiting for a check, good luck on results.
Been taking it for about 3 months now and honestly havent really noticed a REAL difference!
i have been taking vimax pills for 3 months, almost no noticed changes in size, just me be a little sex desire improvement.
I've been taking this stuff for about a week, and I wish I had found this forum before I ordered a sixth month supply... I've never tried pills or anything like this before. But from what I gather, this stuff does its job- just not in the time frame it says it will. But at the same time, there are guys saying they got NOTHING in six months. Guess I'll just have to see for myself if it works.
Anyone reckon the people who are rating this product 4 and 5 stars might work for vimax? Hope not man coz i've just bought 4 bottles! why would they offer you money back though if they werent genuine? To the guy from Canada though - if they didnt advertise they would get sales, same as every company, doesnt mean they are tricking you . . at least I hope theyre not. Soon find out I suppose
This is a scam. I had two friends that used it and I warned them that any site that needs to deceive through advertising to trick you to go to their site isn't worth trusting. Beware of such companies and sites that demonstrate a 5 star rating while all the others get a 3 or less. One site had Vimax at 4 percent higher rating and yet it was two stars higher. SCAM
Vimax Doesn't work been using it for 6months and still haven't gain an inch
got my pills today, honest 5.5 starting. will update progress. 6m supply. age 48, no trouble getting up, just want a little more length, 2 would be nice,we'll see.
Guys I have been through a bottle and a half of Vimax. I have absolutely no gains in length, stamina, or girth. I have a 3 month supply and if I don't see results by the end of the 3rd bottle I will order something else. I tried Extagen a few years ago and it worked within a week or so. Only problem was the gains were lost after like 3 months.
That's right, it's only guaranteed within 2 months and the rating is not good at all. I will try something else.
prosolution gives a 180 day money back guarantee vimax only gives 60 days.... sounds fishy
Is it just me, or do you get the feeling someone in viamax is answering half of these questions. They already appear to have flooded the forum search with their own forums. maybe im just cynical. sounds like the yeast breast enlargement treatment my ex wife spent hundreds on. what a scam that was.....
I try my first bottle a little erection not much lasting after 3months of my bottle did not see any diffrent in my erection whit vimax my penis is still 4.1/2 side
I bought Vimax pills almost 2 months ago. It seems to me that my penis is getting larger but not as large as I thought it would be based on the information from their website. I have until Sunday the 20th to return them. Is ProSolution really that much better than Vimax? I need opinions & or advice ASAP! Thanks to all that can help.
i ordered 4 month supply . im a 1st bottle now .. i do exercise everyday, when u bought this products they will give us bonus material penis exercise . i take pills once a day and do that exercise . i'll posting here
prosolution penis pills come with free penis exercises so you can get it to stop premature ejaculation
To the guy about premature ejaculation. I do believe vimax helps! it helped me alot. But I also used various excercises.. Try masturbating to that point, and then flexing ur PC to stop it from happening, slow down the pace, and when it subsides, continue. Do reps of Keggel excercises daily... also learn to control your state of mental emotion. don't get too excited! stay relaxed and calm.
i'd like to know Vimax pills really cure premature ejculation?? pls ans me!!!!
I took Vimax twice. Both times I ordered 2month cycle.1st time, within the 1st wk. was noticing girth gains when limp, massive sex drive increase, seeing women made me hard 24/7 Noticed gains when erect, last longer, harder, much much more stamina. Like it says in the disc.I was having sex 3 times a night! when the pills ran out, so did the effects.2nd time i didnt notice gains as fast, stil works
Just got my Vimax thursday, have taken 3 so days so far. Will keep you posted. No noticeable changes yet.
Have been using Vimax for 3months now. only noticed that I become a little thicker nothing more. Very dissapointing as I have 6months worth.
Been taking them for a month no noticeable changes. But I am under the belief that time is of essence...
Just ordered my first bottle couple of days ago, (8/2/09). anxiously awaiting the arrival, will keep you posted. I hear a lot of negative and few positive comments, but I'm hopeful. I've started doing some of the exercises already. More to come.
i took vimax pills for 3months, never missed a pill. no difference. save your money
Took Vimax for 3 months, never missed a day .. and nothing, no difference in size, erection or stamina .. i'm now trying ProSolution
I don't think penis pills will work if you are already 8.5 inches long. No matter Vimax or any other pill. 8.5" is more than enough and far more than average size. But if you are 6 inches long you can gain 2 extra inches!
Ok. Now I no alot of guys will jump on this product because it says it will make your penis bigger.. or will it??? Just to let you all no I bought these for fun and took one pill everyday for 3 months without missing one dose. Howevery they did nothing they claim to do!!! I still remain 8 and a half inches and gained no girth or length. It was just and test and trial so guys save your money!
i got 6 bottles, didnt notice anything much till half way through 4th bottle. my dick was much thicker, longer and meatier. my girlfriend thought it made a huge difference too. it looks like some get good results and others none. i think you need to give time, at least 3 bottles because it worked for me. i've got 2 bottles to go and wonder how big this things going to get
So everyone is talking about how they have not seen a increase in length or girth, how about stamina and fuller erections?
THat's weird, this vimax forum shows only "2.3 out of 5" but these penis pills worked for me as if it was "5 out of 5"!!!
This vimax forum sounds bad about these penis pills. I didn't think vimax was so bad, I will try other penis pills. Do you think I can trust prosolution?
I took the pills for 4 months and yucks... nothing, absolutely nothing happened. TOTAL SCAM
Bought and tried a 2 month supply With absolutely ZERO results! This product is made in Montreal and distributed from the States I paid 30.00 + per bottle yet the on the package the customs declaration value was only $8.00 for two bottles! You do the math. This product is an absolute failure save your money and move on.
don't worry, you can try vimax and get your money back if it doesn't work. anyway let us know here in vimax forum!!!
Wish I had seen the information ere before i ordered , have just bought the three months supply after reading reviews and testimonials, obviously i fell for the marketing blurb .. but i hope something happens.. will let you how it goes
don't worry. it may work for you. different penis pills work for different people. vimax is good
I am from the Philippines, I just bought vimax..reading you're testimonials it worries me alot..if its gonna be that effective..any way i'll just keep posting for the progress
tried the six month gain in size as they claim.size enhancement wise it's a scam...although for first two months felt more turned-on than usual...
I did notice some gains but my sex drive hasn't changed. However, my wife told me I became "so sexy". I have no idea what this means but it sounds great :)
I took this for 2 months to try. I also tried Extagen before that. They both had the same result. No gains, no increase in libido and no harder erections. Prosolution is probably the only one that can give you a little gain.
I ordered the 6th month supply of vimax pills, im just finishing up my first bottle i have about 4 pills left and i see a lilttle difference in my penis, when i have an erection my penis is more rock solid and when my penis is on soft it looks a little bit thicker, not a whole lot but i can tell, well i have 5 bottles to go and i will keep you guys posted...Thank U!!
Didn't work for me and still waiting for a full refund, its a big con!!!!!!!!!!!!
ive been using for 3 weeks my dick looks thicker rock solid erections. looks like it works will keep posting
Vimax is Bullsh*t!!!U wasting your money.I know I did.I order the 3month supply alomst finish with my 2nd Bottle No results and I been doing the exercise with it....NOTHING! Dont be fooled people save your money and live with the fact there is no way but surgery to increase your penis size
Vimax penis enlargement pills are top rated for increasing both penis length and width along with improving overall sexual performance.
There are always chances of not getting the original penis pills when you purchase at local stores, eBay or anywhere else. If you want to risk your health, you can go to the local shop. But if I were you, I would purchase ONLY from the OFFICIAL websites!
can i buy vimax at the store at wat store located here in montreal pls i need it asap
ive been using vimax for 11days and im wondering if i take two pills a day and exercise will it speed up my gains..any advise would be helpful..
i ordered a 6 month suplly and have been taking it for 2 onths and hlaf and gained about 1 inch in lenght and 0.5 inches in girth. They do work but you should expect realistic results like 1 to 2 inches in lenght and 1 inch in girth
I think FDA approved their facilities and ingredients. It means these pills will not cause side effects. However, FDA has not approved statements on their website where they say Vimax penis pills will enlarge your penis.
i am curious about vimax also. It states in the ad that thaey manufacture in a FDA approved facility but the disclaimer states nothing approved by the FDA.
Hi shawn, can you post your progress here? I considered Vimax as well, but finally decided to try ProSolution. I would like to know if Vimax is OK or now.
Ok, I have tried MANY enhancement products, from Promaxis RX to whatever. I was just about done with this whole thing until my brother recommended Extenze. Took it, NOTHING. Then did some google searching and it said Vimax is #1 on many sites. I then ordered a 6 month supply and been taking it a week now. I will honestly post my results, not like the fake reviews you see on many sites.
i got the pills today order them on the 2nd of december arrived on the 9th pick them up 2day on the 12 now i have read everyones review on this page and saying u need to do exercise and they don't work you are suppose to take one pill a day but i am going 2 take these pills and do my exercises in my own house push up and dumbells
did you get an exercise program when you ordered vimax penis pills?
no i am not. i am going to order pro solution pills because i am hearing they give great results
im in between on the whole vimax pill. i bought the 3 month supply and by the time i had taken all the pills i was 1 inch longer and .5 thicker. the reason i say im in between is because they claim like 3 inches and idk for girth, but i definantly didn't gain what they said. however they did work some.
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