ProSolution Forum
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ProSolution scores 4.8 out of 5, based on 1030 reviews in our ProSolution forum.
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ProSolution Reviews
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i could increase from 6" to 9.5" and then it stopped but i think +3.5" is very very good!!!!!
i know 10 by 6.5 is a bit outrageous but do you think i could accomplish it. its always been a goal of mine to be 10 inches for some sick reason haha
you think i can get to 9 in 6 months. well i'll get 6 and see how it goes and if i get 9 and 6 i'll prolly stop cuz haha that is big. thanx man for the info
Anonymous from NY: ProSolution penis pills come in "brown box". The packaging is plain, discreet and with no hint as to the contents. Your parents will not guess what is inside.
Jason from Minnesota, your task is pretty hard, your length 8" is very good now. However, 9 months should be enough to get to 10". I would personally recommend 6 months program to get to 9" by 6" and then see if you want to continue. Probably 9" penis will be enough for you.
I'm 20 and still lvie with my parents until I finish college, but my question is does it come in a brown box? or is everyone in my family going to know I'm taking prosolution?? That's pretty embarrassing. I'm average length at 6.5, but I want to be around 8.
hey im currently 8 by 5.25 if i order 9 months worth is it possible to get to 10 by 6.5
all those guys that say these penis pills do not work usually forget to take these's so funny..just take 2 pills per day, do all exercises and you will see's so simple..
I always take 2 capsuler per day but the problem is that I forget to take them from time to time. Probably this is the reason of failure. I will have to set a reminder in my cell phone. Hopefully this will help. Thank you.
You should not have a half of the box after the first month. There are 60 tablets, you should take 2 per day. No penis pill and actually no other pill will work if you miss the schedule.
These supplements do not work for me. I do not see results after 1 month. I still have a half of the box, hopefully I will notice something.
I would recommend VigRX penis pills, you can find links on this site. VigRX pills can be taken by vegetarians because they do not contain substance like gelatin.
Hi. I wanted to know if this pills (prosolution) suitable for vegetarian? Some pills claim that they are vegetarian (probably true for only pills ingredient) but the capsules itself are made from animal sources. Please advice.
haha when you take penis pills and enlarge your penis. Will you publish your photos saying "I'm Mr. *** from Detroit and this is a photo of my penis!"??? I don't think so. I will not.
I could not find any pictures or real proof of the efficiency of these pills.
I have ordered it, but i must wait to get it. i can be patient. I have an question. I dont want to get extra thickness. I only want my penis to be lenght (long penis), is that possible? if I want to use more pill and exercise, can my penis let grow what I want? thanks
i can certainly do that, just ordered a 3 month supply to test the waters. Any sign of gains and i will probably get a 6 month package. hope they work
Brian from Minnesota - yes, please let us know your progress if you decide to purchase ProSolution penis pills! This is very important for other visitors of this ProSolution Forum.
What is the reason of producing 2 similar products that will compete with each over? No, companies are different.
Is it true that Prosolution and VigRX are produced by the same company?
thanks for the response, im excited to order them and give it a shot hope it works, i can update my progress if you all want to know
From my experience average prosolution pills program adds 1" length and 0.75" girth in 3 months. If you focus on girth, you will gain 0.75" length and 1.25"-1.5" girth.
I don't think you can "switch off" length gains completely. ProSolution's main goal is to give both length and girth gains. But if you take ProSolution penis pills and focus on girth exercises, it will add enough thickness without extra length gains.
hello im 8.5 inches long but only 5 thick, if i buy this pills and only focus on girth will it still give me some length, because i dont want to be 2 much longer, just need some thickness
so you have to use a credit card there is no way for a debit card purchase? y is that?
you will get a private access to the online web site with all membership is better than a CD will be able to track your results,and if they have an update in the exercise program you don't need to request another CD
I've just ordered a 6 month supply but do the exercises come in the box or do i get them off the online sites?
By the way, I also ordered 6 month supply, I think this is the best price/quality choice.
From my experience I see that most of websites that sell penis pills accept only CREDIT cards. It should be Visa, not Visa Electron. PayPal cannot be accepted as well. You can try this Fax Order Page: There is an option to mail your payment. I'm not sure if it works, I ordered by credit card, it's more convenient.
Just tried ordering 6 month supply but they don't accept my card online (Visa Electron). Will they if I ring up? If not maybe they'll accept paypal? Thanks
yes you can enlarge both length and girth..if your main goal is girth then you should choose girth exercises..yes,there are this kind of exercises as well..prosolution penis pills will do the rest and you will gain 2-3 inches in girth..
My gains are: length: 2", girth: 1 1/2". The answer is yes. Both length and girth.
Does this prosolution give you girth as well as length? Because I want a pringles can, not a slim jim
reed from orange country,,yes results are permanent if you do all exercises according to your will get all exercises with your purchase..results are permanent for 98% men...
I take 2 prosolution pills per day. One in the morning. Another one at night. Right before I go to the bed. Sex is much better right after taking this penis pill.
hey i just bought some but i cant dwnload the exercise videos because i have real media player. what server should i download from??
Akara, if you decide to purchase ProSolution penis pills, please let us know your progress. Your experience will be very important for other men.
penismaster and andy, Thank you for your answers. I will do the best to try using it. I will let you know if it works well.
i recommend prosolution pills,their exercise program is much better..with a lot of different exercises,videos,lessons..all included in your prosolution package..
Akara, no one can guarantee these pills will work for every person. However ProSolution and Vig-RX Plus pills are the top rated penis pills. Success rate is more than 95%. This means they worked for 95 out of 100 men. This means they should work for you too!
I have an question for Andy and Penismaster, I read the forum. Sorry my english is bad. Must I believe that pill really work? I can try it, but I need video or dvd exercise I can follow. Can I get more inch what I want? I hope that you can answer me.Thanks
Part 2. I told my ex wife my penis is now 2 inches bigger. She was shocked. Now she wants me back. But I want other girls!!! You know all ladies say "size does not matter" but really they just do not want to hurt you. They like BIG penis. I took prosolution penis pills for 5 months and did exercises almost every day. It just takes 15-20 minutes.
I did not try other penis pills but prosolution pills showed awesome results, I gained 2 inches in 5 months. I cannot compare with something else, and I will not do so. I do not think any other penis pills can enlarge my penis so much.
wow it will take some time to read all this prosolution forum. I hope it's worth the time. I'm about to purchase prosolution penis pills.
it just proves the fact that prosolution is so's simply one of the best penis pills many people cannot be wrong!..
There are so many prosolution reviews here while other penis pills do not get this kind of attention. Why is that? Why is this prosolution forum so popular?
I don't think you can reach the "pornstar penis size" like 10". However enlarging your penis from average 6" to perfect 8" is real.
I want to know how does pornstars like mandingo and Jack Napier get big penises.. and is it best to exercise with liquids such as oil and lotion or is it best to jelq and masturbate by stretching the skin while taking Prosolution
Beware of Yohimbe in extagen. Yohimbe causes heart and blood pressure problems.
They were both good for me. However, with Extagen, results were not permanent. ProSolution program includes exercises that make results permanent. I was on extagen for 3 months and I was back to the original state after I finished. You have to take extagen again and again and again.
Thinking of trying Pro solution stil comparing it to Extagen. Which product offers the best results?
I guess those exercises are only for fun. I gained 2 inches without exercises. Prosolution penis pills only. Increased from 6 1/2" to 8 1/4" in 6 months. No magic.
You have to work if you want to gain. Look at bodybuilders, they spend hours in gym to gain muscles. You will not enlarge your penis if you do not want to work.
thats way to long i was thinking like 5 to 10min r the exercises basically jelqing?
Yes, this is correct, you have to do these exercises every day. It usually takes approximately 30 minutes but can be up to an hour. EVERY DAY! These exercises help you enlarge your penis. The best combination so far is penis pills + penis exercises. If you miss exercises, you will see results but you will not gain much.
What is the deal with these exercises? How much time does it take every day to do these exercises. I don't want to have to spend an hour a day on exercises. I still live at home while I go to college and I don't want my parents asking what I'm doing in the bathroom for an hour everyday.
Ive been searching for a website that offered honest reviews, looks like I found it. I am going to try pro solution and will write a review with my results. Hope it works as good as it worked for other guys.
What kind of exercises must be done? I ordered a supply recently (haven't received yet), and I'm looking to increase in size & girth
2 Anonymous from Arizona: no, they sell only through the official site.
and do not forget about exercises, they are important to "grow some"..
Anonymous from pa: yes! According to the official site: "MONTH 2. Many clients report a noticeably more full and "meaty" feeling to erections during the second month, with exciting new sensations and sensitivity. You'll likely gain more stamina and the ability to make sex last much longer, and new confidence to focus on new techniques and moves."
Hey, I wouldn't mind growing some, but I'm only 22 and recently started having problems with getting erections, will this pill make me erect after taking it, and if so how long untill it kicks in?
All ratings are user generated, you can rate and post whatever you want... I assume this means that ProSolution penis pills are REALLY BETTER than VigRX pills and Vimax pills. Because real people vote for ProSolution penis pills. Me too!
They are rated better than the most known vigrx and vimax penis pills. Why is that??
BG, I think you are too optimistic. It will take at least 4 months to grow from 6.5" to 7.5" and 6 months to grow from 6.5" to 8". The answer is 4-6 months.
ok i know one of yall work for prosolutions but im cool with that. Right now im about 6.5" at my hardest and want to get to around 7.5-8". How much do u think i should get? I was thinking about 2-3months worth. Please be straight up wit me.
You will find everything in your package you don't have to worry about it!
Just ordered the 5 month supply. Does the information for the exercise website come in the package or do I need to call them to get the username and password?
10/24/08 To me it is weird that in the prosolution website there are no claims of making your penis bigger. Wouldn't they claim it if this was a proven fact? I want to try pills program (whether exercise is required or not) that will make it bigger, permanently. Any issues when returning the product if didn't work?
Results are Permanent if you Follow the Program. My Friend Forgot about Exercise Program and his Penis Became to Normal Size. I Followed the Program and so far my Results are Permanent. Guys, Remember to Follow the Program !
Penismaster, this is not entirely correct. Different exercises are supposed to play different roles. They help ProSolution pills enlarge penis, they prevent premature ejaculation, they correct penis curvature, etc. You can choose whatever you need.
i tried to combine different exercises to benefit from all of them...
are u just sopposed to pick one exercise to do or do you always do different ones
You will recieve online access to the exercise program when you order ProSolution pills. This includes more than 30 penis enlargement exercises with step-by-step photos, penis curvature correction techniques, ejaculation control techniques, strength building exercises and many more.
Everyone is talking about exercises. What exercises do I have to do to help it grow and please be specific... Jelqing exercises? Masturbating with lotion? This shit better work
These exercises are real fun! My wife helps me. It is very exciting and I see noticable gains now! Always do these exercises when you take prosolution penis pills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its my 2 month: I notice increase in girt and length and sexdrive! thankyou prosolution!
after taking this pills for 2 months, it's just increase the girth and not increase the length. hopefully it's work in the 3rd month.
Official site only. This is to ensure you get an orignial high-quality penis pills.
Is prosolution only available from the official site, or is there a cheaper place to get it?
who cares about flaccid state? your girl needs an erect penis
In flaccid state your cock is more bigger using pro solution pills? thanks
you all guys forget about exercises..prosolution pills(penis enhancement)+exercises=penis enlargement...
do you realize that penis enhancement REALLY MAKES YOUR PENIS BIGGER? the more blood in penis, the bigger your penis.
Do you realiza that these pills only enhance,not enlarge. penis ? See the difference?
do you realize that more blood in penis IS EQUAL to bigger, enlarged penis? these pills do not enlarge penis in flaccid state but make it BIGGER when ERECT.
I think i'll give this a try. I am still very skeptical but reviews are promising.
I've just called the Prosolution pills customer support and they had told me that these pills don't enlarge the penis,only enhance it.One of the representatives told me that penis stopr growing after the puberty had finished, and these pills only suppose to increase the volume of blood to penis. So, keep dreaming about enlargement, and don't trust the posts, which claim the increase of the penis
do i need these exercises? i increased from 6" to 9" in 6 months without any exercise. did i have to do them?
I think you are both correct. ProSolution starts working immediately and you can notice first changes within a week. After that it's simple - the more you take it, the more you gain! And do not forget about exercises.
This is not correct. My wife told me that my "little John" was bigger after only 3 weeks of Pro Solution Pills and exercise program.
According to my measurements all gains (2 inches) happened between the second and fifth month. It makes no sense to take these pills for 1 month and ignore the exercise program.
its funny to see these guys.. they are not following the program..they are missing the daily dosage..they are not doing exercises..and then they say"these pills do not work"
These prosolution pills didn't change my size. I took prosolution pills for a month and didn't see any result. Thanks for guarantee at least I got my money back.
Negative reviews are also important. There is no pill that will work for ALL people. Could you provide more details about your experience? How long did you take these pills? Did you do those exercises? Did you notice any short term results or nothing at all?
I do not work for another company, I say only that bad reviews aren't posted, eccept few times.. my experience Isn't positive with this item.
Some people say it's strange that there are links to Pro Solution website. Why do you think it's wrong? It is ProSolution forum, it would be strange if it was full of links to Vimax website. Take a look at Vig-RX Forum, it's full of links to Vig-RX website. Everything is honest.
Gentlemen, we would like to remind you that this forum is for REAL ProSolution reviews. If you work for another company and post a few messages under different names trying to lower ProSolution rating, chances are your "reviews" will be deleted. Because they are not real. We do not promote any product. ProSolution is #1 only because real people vote for it. Please do not deceive real people.
didn't do anything for me until I started exercises; now it's my second month and I gained 3cm (it's more than 1 inch)
they are way too conservative to admit that pills do work..well some people say internet is a bad thing but we do use it and take advantage of all these forums, communications, etc...
I used prosolution pills for six months and managed to gain three inches in lenght it was five inches and now it is almost eight inches. My girlfriend says it is enough but I am thinking about one extra inch. What do you guys think?
took the pills for one whole year, it was nothing during first 4 months but then it started working and i got 2 extra inches - this is good!
guys it was told so many times..there is no magic, pills will not work if you just buy should take prosolution pills at least 2 times a day and never miss a dose!!!and never never forget about exercises!!1
i tried it about 5 months. din't work for me. It just increase the sex drive when u take the pills. afterthat it become to normal again.
I managed to add an inch in 4 months so if you want to grow from 4" to 6", I think you should take them for at least 6-7 months
im only 4 inches and want to be 6 inches are they worth the money? will it last
just take prosolution pills and do all exercises..results will be matter if you are 18 or 81!!
im 19 and i want to try it...should i? please dont fuck with me please
yo im serious about buying this...true people would tell me if it really works man....
Prosolution results are permanent if you perform all exercises. Pills work from inside, exercises work from outside. If you miss one part, results will not last.
After reading through the comments I realize the question is not if works but if its truly permanent. I wouldnt want to be dependant on pills my whole life as if I were my grandpa
Two pills per day is enough, you can take third one before sex if you need extra sex drive.
How many pills per day have you guys been taking? The box says to take two pills with meals, and that an additional pills can be taken before having sex. So should I take three a day, or just two and a third sometimes?
The pills most likely would work for a minor, but no one knows what the long term effects would be. Is it worth having a bigger dick now, but possibly having complications later in life? That's for you to decide, but know that these pills are not designed for someone your age.
The problem is not if it's safe or not. It's safe. However you should not modify your body until development is complete.
took those pills when I was 17-18, everything is OK now and i am BIG!!!
I don't think anyone could accurately tell you whether or not PE pills would "screw up your developement," but the pills are designed for fully developed adult males, so there hasn't been any testing done on minors.
l dont want to wait till im 18 to be bigger is their a safer alternative ?and if i used them now could it screw up my development
always do the exercises to support prosolution pills, results are wonderful!
This is absolutely correct, although ProSolution pills are safe and have no side effects, please stay away from them until you are at least 18 years old.
No one should use any PE pills until they're at least 18, that part of the body isn't done developing until your early 20's.
Yes this is true, herbal ingredients do not guarantee only positive effects. However, you can find a list of ingredients on ProSolution official site and read about each ingredient. All ProSolution ingredients are absolutely safe.
Just because something cotains herbal ingredients, dosen't mean it's not bad for you. Some herbs are poisonous that grow naturally in the wild. I'm not saying that Prosolution is bad for you or has side effects, but just because these sites say all natural ingredients, doesn't necessarily mean the ingredients are good for you.
ProSolution pills contain only herbal ingredients. The product doesn't contain Yohimbe and other dangerous substances. There are no side effects.
i've been reading this forum and i saw about 90% of positive feedback,im almost sure that they're working without problems,the only thing i want to know is there's no side effects??? when you pee,when you have an erection or when having an ejaculation? that's all i need to know
Exercises are better then masturbation, prosolution pills should be supported by exercises
yes you can, those exercises are something similar to masturbation
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